By comunity correspondant Georgia Jones

The Mekong River Dolphin is near to extinction with numbers less than a hundred! Pollution in the lakes, in Cambodia and Loas, is responsible for killing many of the calves and the adult dolphins. Scientists say that they are on the brink of extinction.

The rare Mekong River Dolphin is being killed by the vast amount of pollution that is found in the rivers. The diseases found in the river and in the dead calf carcases gave the scientists the analysis that if the immune system was not strong enough then it could kill the newly-born calves and later on the adult dolphins.

Scientists have found the remains of Mercury in the dead dolphins. This is suspected to be from the huge amount of gold mining that is found near the lakes. The Mercury means that the dolphins are more susceptible to infectious diseases as their immune systems are defeated.

So is it that we have timer to save another species or is it that we are too late? Who is responsible for it?


Which is to blame? Or is the truth to hard to face? Are we the ones that destroying the planet or is it something else?

Time to think!