Hundreds flocked to this year’s Midsummer Funday in Tooting in glorious sunshine on Saturday.

Crowds from all sections of the community gathered to watch local acts like the Great Gustos choir and sample food from around the world.

At midday, an ambulance arrived pulled by local policemen, firemen and ambulance crews from St George’s Hospital.

But the most spectacular moment was when local children put on a “trashcatchers’ parade”, modelling costumes they had created from junk.

Organiser Kate Allan said: “It was flaming June at its best.

"We couldn’t have asked for more. It was wonderful to see so many sections of the community coming together for relaxation and fun.”

Money raised from the event will go towards rehabilitation equipment for St George’s Hospital.

Held at Gatton primary school and St Augustine’s Church in Broadwater Road, it was organised by the Balham and Tooting Community Association.

Tooting MP Sadiq Khan said: “This year’s Midsummer Fun Day was even better than last year’s. I’ve never seen in one place so many smiling, happy faces.”

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