Merton police’s Tout and You’re Out scheme to combat ticket touts during the Wimbledon tennis tournament, has been named as a national finalist in the 2009 Tilley Awards.

Set up 11 years ago, the Home Office award aims to highlight projects using innovative and strategic methods to reduce crime, antisocial behaviour and address community safety issues.

The anti-tout scheme was named as the best in London after Merton police's initiative to combat touts and associated crime.

Police used various measures such as setting up a temporary dispersal zone, sending letters to known touts warning them to stay away and increasing patrols.

Figures from 2008 saw a 70 per cent decrease in arrests and penalty notices, while instances of stop and searches were down 60 per cent on the previous year.

The 2009 Tilley Award titles will be announced in October, with the winner flying to America to share advice with US police forces and community safety groups.

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