During National Tackling Drugs Week, which ended on June 12, Kingston police deployed a variety of tactics to combat drug-related crime, which ranged from search warrants to educating vulnerable members of the community.

A total of six arrests were made and police seized cannabis from suspects, as well as an air pistol at one address.

Detective Inspector Charlie Morrow said: “We have received positive feedback and we have succeeded in raising the awareness of the work undertaken by police and partner agencies in our battle against drug related crime.

“Last week was a snapshot of our activity, however we will continue to positively tackle drug related crime and the community have a role to play.”

A 26-year-old, from Surbiton, was arrested on possession of intent to supply cannabis on June 8, after a vehicle was stopped in Portsmouth Road.

A 22-year-old Surbiton woman was arrested on the same charge after police uncovered 1kg of cannabis at her home address on June 9. Both were released on bail pending further enquiries.

Police also arrested two people for possession of cannabis - a 36-year-old from Chessington, who is on bail, and a 21-year-old from Surbiton, who was released with a caution.

On June 12, a 32-year-old man from Ham was charged with possession of class A drugs after police pulled him over on suspicion of drink-driving.

An 18-year-old Chessington resident was arrested and bailed after a search of his home on Friday uncovered an air pistol and cannabis.

A drugs raid on Friday had to be cancelled when police received information about a suspected firearms incident.

Stephanie Royston-Mitchell, of the strategic partnership for alcohol and drugs, said: “We will continue to target drug dependent offenders to try and break the cycle of drug misuse, offending and prison.

“The drug intervention programme targets offenders at all stages in the criminal justice system and provides intensive support and rapid access to treatment services and significantly contributes to reducing drug-related crime and antisocial behaviour in the borough.”

Kingston police’s response teams, safer neighbourhood teams and safer transport teams also used the week to visit schools, Surbiton YMCA centre and train stations.

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