An old lady had her credit card stolen at a supermarket in Epsom.

The 78-year-old was shopping in Waitrose, in Ashley Centre, just after 3pm last Monday when a man approached her and asked if she had dropped £10.

As the old woman removed her purse from her bag and was checking it the man asked where the taxi rank was.

He then left in the direction of the town centre and the old woman noticed her credit card had been stolen.

Police have now released CCTV images of the man they want to speak in connection with the theft.

The man is described as Asian, between 30 and 35 years old, approximately 5ft 5in, of medium build with short dark brown receding hair.

He was wearing a dark blue jacket, a brown t-shirt, light blue jeans and black shoes.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Claire Langley said: “A short time after the lady’s credit card was stolen a transaction of £200 was declined by a store.

"These are very clear images of the man I would like to speak with and I hope that by releasing this CCTV footage someone will recognise the suspect and come forward and identify him.

“Perhaps you saw this man either before or after the elderly lady was targeted or maybe you just know who he is and can provide me with his name.

“With your help we can ensure the person responsible is brought to justice.”

Anyone with information should contact DC Langley on 0845 125 2222 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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