Sex education can be a very important learning experience for children as it is a subtle way to introduce them to the idea. But in many cases pornography is getting to them first giving them an 'unrealistic' attitude to a important part of life. But many people believe that it is not a teacher’s job to teach children about sex as it is such a delicate subject. They believe that it should be left to parents to inform their children. But in some cases children are taught by neither and pornography can make them feel very self conscious and there is a lot of 'unreliable' information on the internet. What can be done for these children? It is very difficult to put parental controls on all computers. Perhaps to should made essential that all children attend sex education classes but then it is difficult to find enough teachers for that job. This decision can't be taken lightly as this is informing the next generation. Alice Ruth aged 10 is a student at Comb hill juniors. She is just about to start her sex education she said 'well I’m looking forward to learning about a new thing but I don’t want to be next to all the boys because they'll laugh at the naked girls'. The students of sex education all find it quite laughable so after the interview the girl burst into giggles. I believe more should be done for children to inform them of sex and it will make them feel better about themselves for the rest of their lives.