West Norwood residents are demanding control of a community centre be given back to them, after a number of groups were barred from using it.

The Old Library Centre in West Norwood is now run by Lambeth Youth Services, who say it can only be used by services helping the borough’s youth.

Campaign groups in the area say this decision has left many long-running groups for older people - including the Pensioner’s Club - surplus to requirements and without facilities to use.

The Norwood Action Group (NAG) and the Norwood Forum say as a result the old library in Knight’s Hill is now empty and deserted for most of the week.

They argue this negates a council argument the space must only be used to meet the long standing need for provision for young people in the area.

They are demanding the space be reinstalled for use by the whole community - including young people - and is run by a steering group with wide local representation.

Susan Deswarte, chair of the Norwood Forum, said: “The library was built for community use by residents of West Norwood.

"They want to turn it into a building just providing youth services for the whole borough.

“We don’t just want large groups of youths hanging around the area - but for people locally to be able to use it.”

Ward councillor Graham Pycock said the area wanted better youth provision, but without excluding all other groups.

A spokeswoman for Lambeth Council said the centre had been adapted to meet the long standing need for provision for young people in the Norwood area.

She said: “It is being developed as a young peoples’ hub and is being refurbished to provide a range of core services which include a music studio and editing suite, a venue for senior citizens groups and for community safety forums.”

She said all community groups interested in providing services for young people were invited to make proposals to use the space.

• Do you think everyone should be allowed to use the Old Library Centre? Let us know in the comments section below.