Numerous speed bumps and ramps have been constructed around Wimbledon during the course of the month, and I have to say that I welcome them with open arms. Many of the roads are situated on a hill and therefore manic driving is not only irritating but also incredibly dangerous.

Due to there being several schools in the Wimbledon and Raynes Park area, students often chose to make their journey on foot, however it is during the mornings and the afternoons that the highest number of cars can be seen speeding up the side roads which pupils take as their daily route. Obviously there have been accidents and near accidents involving students, albeit some were due to irresponsible crossing of the road but it takes two to tango.

The speed bumps seem to have made a significant change in driving habits. I’ve noticed vehicles driving at more civilised speeds, particularly when on a slope. This is by far one of the best decisions taken by the area as hopefully in due course we will see that the pedestrian-car relationship will improve and that the safety of students will increase. In this day and age it is important to allow children their freedom and by lowering the risk of an accident, hopefully confidence will increase and more pupils will walk to school. So there we go, not only have the speed bumps combatted manic driving but also obesity all in one fell swoop.