By Community Correspondent Mercia Nitzsche ABUSE AWARENESS and how to look out for the signs!

The Results of Verbal and Emotional Abuse can be far more devastating than physical Abuse. Mental scars, emotional breakdowns and spiritual breakdowns cannot be fixed by pills or the restructuring of bones and tissue. It is becoming increasingly important to recognise if YOU are a Victim of psychological abuse.

Right Fighters usually work in silence, afraid to speak up, not realising the dangers that linger in the human instinct and the strength of the unseen natural 'negative' energy, especially from those they trust. There is a saying that states, only a parasite in the lion's bowels can destroy this mighty of beasts. A parasite that is equal to negative human brain power, the virus of destruction, which intention is to oppress, intimidate, demean, belittle and eventually control.

This is not science fiction, this could be YOU!

1. Distrust of one's own spontenaity 2. Loss of Enthusiasm 3. Uncertainty of Self 4. Constant Concern that something is wrong with you 5. A loss of Self-Confidence 6. Growing in Self-Doubt 7. The internalised 'low self-esteem Critical Voice'

8. Fear of being crazy 9. Reluctant to come to one's own conclusion 10.Desperate to Escape or Run Away If Any of the above ring familiar, you may be a victim of ABUSE inside your own home! Do not wait and allow this to linger, but take action and remember that each living being is WORTHY!

Anyone towering over you, intimidating you to put down the phone, whilst holding a private or personal conversation? Making you feel you 'must' obey! THIS IS ABUSE AND YOU ARE ITS VICTIM!