Young people are fighting fit thanks to ten weeks of training with a former world champion boxer.

Former world super-featherweight champion Barry Jones, from Cardiff, has been running a boxing club for 11 to 16 year olds at the Greeno Centre in Glebeland Gardens, Shepperton, for the past ten weeks.

The club was set up by PC Sandra King, the Spelthorne youth intervention officer, and Adam Justice, Spelthorne youth police community support officer, after young people in the area expressed an interest in boxing.

PCSO Adam Justice said: "The club aimed to not only give the young people in the area something to do but to teach them about respect and discipline, which are crucial aspects of any sport, particularly boxing.

"We are very grateful to Barry Jones for giving up his time to support the project and to Surrey County Councillor Laurie Burrell for providing funding for the club.

“We are delighted the scheme proved so popular with young people and we are looking at starting similar clubs elsewhere in the borough.

Around ten to fifteen young people turned up weekly to train with former champion Barry Jones, who put them through their paces with a regime of skipping, sparring and circuit training.

Officers at Spelthorne are now looking to extend the scheme beyond the borough.