Changes made to plans to charge for parking based on a car’s CO2 emissions have been criticised by traders.

Last week, the Richmond and Twickenham Times revealed an online poll resulted in 92 per cent of respondents voting against Richmond Council’s scheme for emissions-based parking charges.

The council announced the plans in January but, following its consultation and fears businesses would be damaged by the plans, it announced a series of changes to help traders.

The council said potential changes to the plans included doubling small car discounts, freezing charges for some large cars, introducing a charge of 10p for less polluting cars for the first 15 minutes of on-street parking and free smart cards for those who sign up in the first two months.

But John Pidgeon, who owns Original Bathrooms in Kew Road, said the amendments were too little, too late.

The 49-year-old said: “We said ‘no’ with a capital N.

“The council is not part of the real world.”

A spokesman for the council said: “We accept the majority of people don’t want the charges as they were originally outlined.

“The changes we have made have been put in to support businesses and traders.

“We believe the overall package of charges will make parking simpler and cheaper for the vast majority of people.

“About 60 per cent of residents will pay the same or less.”

The survey changes were scheduled to be discussed as the Richmond and Twickenham Times went to press, and again at a cabinet meeting on Monday where the changes may be made.