The family of a woman who was stabbed to death by a mentally-ill man have turned to Richmond Park MP Susan Kramer for help as he was released from custody after three-and-a-half years.

Colette Lynch, 24, was killed in a knife attack by her former partner Percy Wright, now 39, in front of her two-year-old daughter on the steps of her Birmingham home.

Wright pleaded guilty to manslaughter in August 2005, on the grounds of diminished responsibility and was sent indefinitely to a secure psychiatric unit.

Now the family, one of whom is a constituent of Ms Kramer’s, is asking for the MP’s help.

Ms Kramer said: “The family are understandably desperately worried at the prospect of this man being free after such a short sentence.

“It is of vital importance they are properly protected.

“While the flaw in the law responsible was corrected in 2007, it was too late for this case. I am calling on the Ministry of Justice to do everything in its power to reverse this decision.”