One or more 'superhubs' could be created in south London to revitalise its flagging economy.

That was one big idea floated by William McKee, chairman of the Mayor of London’s new Outer London Commission (OLC) at our Listen to Business meeting at Twickenham Stadium on Tuesday.

At the first public meeting since the commission was established, Mr McKee explained that he had just four months to draw up the plan that will help shape the future of this area for the next 20 years.

The area's economy has persistently under-performed compared both to inner London boroughs and to neighbouring counties.

For south London to realise its potential he would need “the experience and intuition of businesses”, he said.

The ideas put forward by Mr McKee to Boris Johnson in June will feed into the London Plan - the document that shapes the capital's major policies for the next two decades.

Mr McKee told the 100 business and council leaders in the audience: “Stable economies create better communities . . . and we are looking at creating four or five superhubs which we can develop.

"Around that we will build links to other hinterlands. We hope this star and cluster approach will make outer London more attractive.”

Croydon has already been shortlisted as one possible superhub around which radial transport links would be improved, as have Stratford in the east, Brent Cross in the north and the Heathrow area in the west.

But Mr McKee stressed that the commission also wanted to look at what could be done for other town centres of regional importance.

A number of suggestions were put forward by members of the audience including support for stalled plans to extend tram networks, making south London a centre of cutting-edge green industries, increased use of the Thames for transport and a focus on supporting small and medium sized enterprises.

Sir Bob Scott, chairman of South London Business - which co-hosted the meeting with Newsquest South London - added a stronger influence for outer London would help the capital thrive.

He said : “Far from weakening the centre a strong outer London will end up strengthening inner London and all its attractions.”

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