Surrey Police have hailed their christmas drink-drive campaign a success, despite figures showing an increase in people testing positive in breath tests.

Despite distributing 5,700 posters with the message Drinking and Driving Shatters Lives, in pubs, cinema magazines and the back of buses, 150 drivers tested positive over the festive period, compared with 111 the previous year.

Police stopped 1,695 drivers during the month-long period from December 1 to January 1, nearly 1,000 less than in 2007.

A police spokesman said a more targeted approach by officers meant fewer drivers were being tested, with a higher percentage testing positive.

Alcometers were introduced to the force in June to electronically record drink-drive statistics which had made data collection more efficient.

Chief Inspector Stuart Sang said: “This is the first year we have been able to record data electronically, so it is difficult to compare this year’s figures to last year’s. A more realistic comparison will be possible next year with this year’s figures available as a baseline.”

Councillor David Munro said it was encouraging to see the anti drink-drive message is being spread but disappointing to see people still risking their lives and others by drink-driving.