Ashley Johnson

Many people all over the world see the coming of the New Year as a chance to do something new, and change their life. These New Years Resolutions are an excuse to forget and do something different, so they are a very good way of changing your lives.

But many people, including I, find them VERY difficult to keep. I find that I am always actively trying to keep to that promise I had made all those months ago. I recently read a news story that making New Years Resolutions were actually bad for you because of the pressure it puts on you and the stress it causes. Reading this caused me to nod furiously and realising I had already failed to organise my work and had to tidy all my text books (my resolution was to be more organised).

Knowing somebody’s resolution also says a lot about their personality, and it is always interesting to find out what other people’s are. All this information is in just one in-significant promise, which I believe has no other purpose other than sitting there and being remarkably interesting.