A free seminar where small businesses can get advice on beating the recession will be held at St Mary’s Church, Putney High Street on Wednesday, January 28 at 5.45pm.

The meeting, organised by Putney Town Centre Partnership and GLE oneLondon, will look at improving efficiency, marketing and customer care.

As well as providing on-going mentoring and support to interested traders businesses could also sign up for a site visit where experts will analyse potential areas for improvement.

Wandsworth’s regeneration spokesman, Councillor James Cousins, said: “This scheme brings free expert advice to the Putney business community. We hope that many of our local traders come and receive the full benefits of oneLondon’s guidance.”

For more information call Stephan Wallace, Putney Town Centre Manager, on 020 8785 0374 or email sdwallace@wandsworth.gov.uk.