After a year that started with an escalation of teen violence in London’s streets and ended with a global financial crisis, Jamie Henderson looks ahead at what events might take place in 2009.

Last December, when we compiled this year’s predictions, we accurately forecast a housing market crash, falls in share prices, rises in interest rates and, spookily, a benefits shake which the Government only announced last week.

But we didn’t get all of our predictions spot on. Psychic cop Keith Charles foresaw Fabio Capello walking out of the England set-up, Simon Cowell creating a new show highlighting diversity in music and Richard Branson monopolising the train and plane industries (the tycoon actually sold some of his assets).

This year we spoke to bookmaker William Hill, Sutton-based clairvoyant Emilia Sokolova and Jane and Craig Hamilton-Parker from the Psychic Family.

The bookmaker

Betting gurus William Hill, in Wandsworth, provided us with some solid bets, some outside chances and a couple of long shots that could win you a fortune but, let’s face it, are highly unlikely.

The best celebrity form appears to involve X Factor judge Dannii Minogue, who is widely tipped to leave the show and this is reflected in the fact that she is 1/2 on to lose her job.

The bookmakers are offering 5/2 on ex-Take That star Robbie Williams rejoining the group and recording an album with his old band mates.

They are also offering 8/11 on him performing at one the band’s four dates at Wembley Stadium next summer.

Strictly Come Dancing fans could be in for a treat as former Labour spin doctor Peter Mandelson is 4/1 to be strutting his stuff in the next series.

You can get odds of 10/1 on Ms Minogue’s X Factor rival Cheryl Cole walking out on her band Girl’s Aloud.

It’s 20/1 that Britain will drop the pound and join the Euro in 2009.

Further out, at 66-1, is the Government scrapping the controversial congestion charge.

Wandsworth resident Gordon Ramsay is an outside chance at 100/1 to come out of the closet next year.

But, a seemingly safer bet, is the celebrity chef handing over £10 million or more to his wife after a divorce settlement in 2009 with odds at evens.

You can also find odds at 100/1 that Prince William and Prince Harry share a joint wedding ceremony.

And finally, twinkle-toed Strictly Come Dancing star John Sergeant is a whopping 1000/1 to switch channels and become a judge on X Factor.

The psychics

Craig and Jane Hamilton-Parker are professional mediums who communicate with spirits on the “other side”. They made their predictions for 2009 and warned of an unsettled period ahead.

They predict there will be an assassination attempt on Barack Obama (In fact, there was a failed neo-Nazi plot in October).

Tensions will increase within Europe as the Euro free falls with both France and Germany threatening to leave.

Gordon Brown will be forced out of office and an early election will be called.

There will be a serious pollution problem in France – possibly in Paris with the contamination of the River Seine.

A number of Church of England bishops and senior ecclesiastical leaders convert to Catholicism simultaneously threatening to undermine the very existence of the church.

There is a worldwide rekindling of socialist ideals and a major swing back towards communism in Russia.

Britain sees many of its top companies go bust and in particular holiday firms, aviation companies and building companies.

There will be a major terrorist attack in Dubai and a burst dam in the Far East - maybe China.

Victoria Beckham will become pregnant with a long awaited daughter and Jordan will announce she’s pregnant too.

The medium

Emilia Sokolova, from Sutton, is a clairvoyant, tarot reader and numerologist. The mother-of-two, originally from Bulgaria, is a member of the British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS) and has a masters degree in Psychology.

This year, because of the relevance of the number eight, many of the news stories revolved around money. The number eight represents money, financial matters and the planet Saturn.

Also, the two in 2008 represents the moon which clouds and muddies the waters bringing confusion and a lack of clarity of thinking.

So next year, in 2009, I am expecting a much more aggressive year. The number nine represents the planet Mars which is associated with war.

I expect escalations in Afghanistan, an increase in knife and gun crime and a rise in domestic violence.

Obviously, with it being 2009 we are going to be affected by the two (the moon) and the lack of clarity that is associated with it.

Only last week, it was the closest it had been to the Earth for over 15 years - a clear indication of the moon’s current influence.

Although these prospects do not seem too rosy for the majority of us, there will be some good news for celebrities.

If you take the two from the year 2009 and add it to the nine, you get 11 which is traditionally a very lucky number for the rich and famous so I expect it to be a good year for them.

And, randomly, the clairvoyant singled out US rapper Eminem to have a positive year with success next summer.

• Do you have any predictions for the new year? Why not tell us by emailing