Last weekend Holly and myself went on a cruise trip to Bruges.

Not being a very cultured individual, this was my first trip on a cruise ship and I found the whole experience all a bit new to me. The name of the ship we stayed on was The Aurora and I have to say, was quite an impressive looking boat.

In total, it had about 13 decks and could hold up to 1700 people. It also had a cinema, which was playing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (which, despite the bits with the CGI monkeys and gophers, I still think rocks).

The food was pretty good and had all sorts of posh nosh on the menu that I had never even heard of (no quarter pounders for me!) and the ship itself had about 3 swimming pools, a tennis court, a library, a casino and a cabaret club. As I said, quite an impressive boat. Something that I said to a member of the staff who was sat at our table, only to be told β€œit's not a boat.... Its a SHIP!”.... bit touchy there....

People on cruise ships are a funny sort though, most of them are fine – but there is a certain element of them, who are out to prove themselves and expect to be waited on, hand and foot (and possibly have their backsides wiped for them as well). But yeah, it was like they were in a competition to get one up on everyone else. Me, I don't give 2 jimmy squits about such things, but I found it amazing how some people have to better others.

On our table there were two people arguing over whose birthday was at the worst time of year. Quite a childish thing to debate over, and what made it worse was that these two birthdays were only two days apart! I mean come on, does it really matter? No, not really - I am more concerned other things, like the current economical crisis and the fact there isn't going to be a full Doctor Who series next year.

Bruges itself was a lovely place though and we were very lucky with the weather. It was a bit expensive as Holly and myself had lunch in the main square and it cost about 50 odd euros. Having said that, we were only there for one day and what else were we going to spend our money on, especially on a Sunday? Anyway, here is a hastily put together video, showing what life in Bruges is like:

(excuse the quality, this video editing lark is a bit of a learning curve for me!)

We also went on a boat trip around the canals and that can be viewed below. Be warned, Speed 2 Cruise control, this aint...

(again, excuse the hasty editing... learning curve!)

All in all it was a good trip, however, it was a bit knackering as a lot of walking was involved and we had a few late nights. On the Saturday we were up until 1.30 watching Indiana Jones and on the Sunday we stayed up till 2.00 with some friends who were also on the boat (sorry, I mean ship!), having a few drinks.

I then had to get up at 8.00 am and drive home the next day... With Holly passed out, mouth wide open, in the passenger seat...

Anyway, for more photo's, click here