To be honest, I can't wait for the weekend – for I plan to do nothing, other than sit in my living room, watch 24, play guitar and play the odd bit of Grand Theft Auto 4.

This week, I haven't stopped. Monday, Holly and myself went up town to see Les Miserables, which was very good – but we didn't get home till very late (partly due to someone topping themselves on the Victoria line - I'm guessing about that, the line was closed). Tuesday I stayed in and did a bit of photoshopping on some old photos, while Holly watched "Charmed". I dunno what it is, but I just don't get "Charmed", don't get me wrong - Rose McGowen and the other 2 are very lovely to look at, but plotwise, I find it all a bit tedious and repetitive.

Wednesday, I went out for a meal with some work colleagues – again, didn't get home until gone 11.30. Thursday (yesterday), I had to go round Holly's parents straight from work for her mother's birthday and didn't get back home until around 12.00 am.

And tonight, I've got to go round my mate Mat's house for the “Monthly Movie Marathon”. Which was originally scheduled for Saturday night, but for reasons best left known to others, has been switched to tonight. I shouldn't really complain about this, as I am getting to see my best mates, but it would have been nice to have a night in tonight. What with the hectic week it has been so far.

Yesterday, when we got back from Holly's parents, at gone 12.00, I went for my daily turn out (which normally takes place at around approximately 6.10ish). As I sat there, doing my business and playing “Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories” on my PSP, I realised that it was the first time, all week that I had sat down and played a video game.

Seriously, how hectic is my life getting, that the only chance I get to do something that I want to do, is when I am sitting on the bog?