- My new flatmate, S, moved in! We knew each other at university (she was the only person I saw in four days when she came to check on me while I was enjoying a particularly nasty bout of flu), but we hadn’t seen each other in years, as she was living in Cornwall and Bristol. Anyhoo, to make a long story short, she moved to London, we got in touch again, she needed a place to live, I had a room going spare, and hey presto!

- I’ve been taking more and more photos, fiddling with my existing ones in Photoshop, and giving my online collection of photographs (http://www.flickr.com/sparkle_jen) a bit of a revamp. In other words – time I would usually spend blogging! But I’m really enjoying it, am getting some really great comments from other photography enthusiasts, and dreaming of the day I’ll be able to afford my dream camera.

- The amorous next door neighbours have broken up, or at least find each other a little less irresistable, as I’ve hardly heard a peep out of them. However, the gap has been filled by my downstairs neighbours, who seem to enjoy a good screaming match in the early hours of the morning. When God closes a door, he apparently opens a window...

- Despite having spent the last three weeks eating like a pig, drinking like a fish and avoiding the gym like the plague, (and apparently coming up with all kinds of cliched similies), I seem to be losing weight. My body just does whatever it wants to do these days....

- Craig and I are hurtling towards our first anniversary of being together. How the devil that happened, I’ve no idea.

- This site’s got a shiny new look! Very nice. I approve.

- In the lift just now, I listened to a yummy mummy type proudly describing how she stirs omega 3 and fish oils into her child’s millet and quinoa porridge every morning, and as a result, I now wish to top myself.