NHS Developers have been told to “go back to the drawing board” after a survey showed less than five per cent people support their plans for the Springfield Hospital site.

South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust proposes to build 1,400 new homes on the Springfield Hospital site to fund better facilities at the hospital.

But a survey, compiled by Tooting MP Sadiq Khan, showed the majority of those who responded to the survey had serious concerns over the development. Mr Khan’s survey was delivered to 3,700 homes surrounding the site, and saw more three hundred residents reply.

Final plans will be submitted to the council this autumn, so Mr Khan met with development director Andrew Simpson on Friday to deliver the survey’s findings.

He said: “These results confirm that local residents are unhappy with these plans. Springfield needs to go back to the drawing board.”

Only 4.3 per cent of those who responded supported the plans in their current form, while 56.8 per cent had serious reservations and the rest did not support them at all.

The main problems highlighted were the size of the buildings and the number of homes, with 90.4 per cent saying the 1,400 proposed were too many.

Most people, 72.4 per cent, also wanted to limit the size of the development to between three and five storeys, which conflicts with current proposal for a 12 storey block.

And although in the past residents said a lack of on-site parking would clog the streets outside, 47 per cent of respondents said the 1,500 spaces proposed was too many.

Mr Khan said: “The developers need to pause and give due consideration to the points I have raised with them, and then come back with fresh plans which address these concerns.

He added: “There isn’t just one problem with these plans. There are many. My main concerns are the sheer scale of the development, the number of units planned, the height of the buildings, the location of the buildings on the site and the general impact such a development will have on the local community.”

Mr Simpson said: "The Trust greatly appreciates the very good response to Sadiq Khan's survey. We are studying carefully the results which will be reflected in our planning application which will be submitted in due course."