Yesterday, on the way home from work I had to pay a visit to Toys R Us and get my nephew a birthday present.

While I was there, I took the time to check out what games they had on the Nintendo Wii. Apart from the classic games I downloaded the other day, it has been a fair old while since I bought a game. I briefly considered buying Wii fit, but then thought that it seemed like a lot of money for what is essentially a lot of hard work, and I can't be bothered with that. Games should be fun at the end of the day and I don't need to get a computer game to tell me that I am out of shape.

Anyway, in the end I settled on Links Crossbow training, a game that comes with an attachment that turns your Wii remotes into a gun. At this point, my plan was to go home and just play games all evening, because as far as I was aware, Holly was going out.

Upon arriving home, I am greeted by Holly and her mate Carly, who it turns out are waiting for me to get home so they can go out.

“So glad you're back, your parents are on their way over and your dad is going to fix the blind I bought the other day” Holly says as she leaves.

10 minutes later my parents arrive. As my dad badgers me into helping him put this blind up, my mother sits in the living room and flicks. It takes about 45 minutes for the blind to go up and then I finally go to the toilet for a turn out (approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes after 6.00pm – aka poo o'clock).

After that I go back into the living room to find my mother sitting there watching that fashion show with that Gok Wang fella (at least I think thats his name). I ask my mother if I can turn it over and it turns out that she watches this show.

Now I have never understood all the fuss with this Gok geeza. Apparently he is some sort of guru on fashion and stuff, but to be honest, if I wanted to look good he would probably be the last person I would turn to for advice. I don't mean to have a go, but just look at him.

Anyway, the show finishes, Holly comes home and my parents leave, by which time I am shattered and ready for bed.

Hopefully I can shoot some things on my Wii later this evening.