Holly went shopping again yesterday and brought back these weird bottle shapped ornaments.

She told me that they were a bargain and proceeded to put them on top of the CD shelf. Thing is, I can’t fathom what purpose they serve. She says they match the colours in the living and that should be a good enough reason for them to be there, that and the fact they were only a pound.

Anyway, here they are:

Your Local Guardian: Orna-mental

I then caught myself walking round my flat, looking at all the other objects that don’t have any purpose.

Firstly, we have this fan:

Your Local Guardian: Orna-mental

Now, we are living in the deepest darkest parts of northern Surrey. It’s never hot here, so I’m too sure what else we’re supposed to do with this fan. I ask Holly about this and she tells me its there because it “looks pretty”.

Secondly, we have these:

Your Local Guardian: Orna-mental

Now these, well, they appear to be either dead, or in suspended animation. Either way, they look like flowers, but they don’t need watering – which is fine by me, as I usually forget to water flowers and they then die.

Thirdly and finally, we have these:

Your Local Guardian: Orna-mental

Now these pots are in the bathroom, above the sink and I asked Holly about them yesterday. She has told me that these pots contain caviar, salts and rose petals and were a gift. Again, she informs me that these are here because they are pretty.

I point out that the caviar and salt pots should really be in the kitchen with the rest of the food, but I don’t think she was listening because they were still there this morning.