Unless you've been living in the Caribbean, you may have noticed it's a bit windy outside.

Now, on Monday it was a lot worse. It was raining heavily, we had gale force winds and the odd bit of thunder and lightening. It was the kind of weather, where you would take a look outside and think to yourself, “there’s no way in hell I’m going out there”.

Obviously, some one high up at the BBC was feeling a bit mean and malicious on Monday, as I turned on the TV and was greeted to a news feature on how bad the weather is.

What amazed me was that someone in charge obviously felt the need to send each and every available correspondent to the four corners of the country and put them through their physical and mental paces.

How stupid must they have felt though? I mean, standing there in the pouring, windy rain and reporting on the weather, saying stuff like “yes, the winds have been particularly strong and violent here, and the rain shows no signs of leaving. We recommend that you should not go out!”.

I couldn’t help watching it, thinking to myself “I know, I can see it for myself just by looking outside.”

Back in the day, just a simple weather report from the likes of Ulrika would of done the trick, but these days, it seems we need a 15 minute piece, featuring 6 or 7 different locations and presenters, just to tell us that the weather is crap.