Last night I was put in a very awkward situation. Holly and myself were sat on the sofa watching a documentary about tsunamis on BBC Four.

I don’t know if it’s the fact that I am now in my late 20s and I am supposed to be all grown up and stuff, but where I would stay in and watch something like “Hawk: The Slayer ” or “Tremors ” (a classic film!), I would now rather sit there and watch a documentary about a natural disaster like an earthquake, volcano, tsunami or preferably, all 3.

Anyway, as we are sat there, Holly snuggles up and nods off on my shoulder. The documentary finishes and is followed by something that is not nearly as interesting - I think it was something about the environment, however, there was a brief moment about this fella who did the highest ever parachute jump , that was quite interesting, the nutter! Anyway, I quickly become bored once they start going on about weather etc, and I then notice that the remote control is on the coffee table. Not only that, but it is out of arms reach.

“Not to worry” I think to myself, “I’ll play my PSP”.

So there I am, sat there, playing Grand Theft Auto, beating up pimps, pros and player haters on my PSP, with Holly asleep on my shoulder.

And then, after about half an hour, midway through a mission involving an assassination attempt on the Liberty City mayor, the batteries run out.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I just sit there, staring blankly at the TV...