Holly is a big fan of period dramas. I find them a bit boring if I be honest and they all seem to blend into one when I think about them.

Earlier today I caught myself trying to understand what these various shows and films are. The films I like, have titles that very much explain what they are about – examples below:

Spiderman – a story about a man who is like a spider
Batman – a story about a man who is like a bat
Superman – a story about a man who is super

And so on and so forth. So with this line of thought, I am gonna try and work out, what Hollys favourite period dramas are about:

Pride and Prejudice – a story about some people who pride themselves on their prejudices
Jane Air – a story about a woman with wind problems. Her name is Jane and the bullies call her “Jane Air” behind her back.
Emma – Sounds like a story about a woman called Emma, that’s all I can get out of this title.
Carousel – This could be a story about a fairground, where its main attraction is a carousel - sounds like a rubbish fairground if you ask me.
Sense and Sensibility – hmm, I am guessing this is like Spider-man, where his spider sense tingles, but without the radioactive spider. Or it could be about sensible people?
Persuasion – a lot of persuading going on here – I am guessing it’s a story about peer pressure.
Miss Potter - This is probably a biopic on JK Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter.
Wuthering Heights - Sounds like this could be about people who suffer from vertigo
North and South – Could be a story that highlights the cultural difference between scousers and cockneys.
Taming of the shrew - my colleague believes this could be about animal training.
Cold Mountain - might be about a mountain that is very cold
Moby Dick - this sounds like its about Moby (the musician) and his bits down below