A couple of months ago, Holly asked if I wanted to go to Euro Disney with her, her sister and her two nephews.

At the time I declined the offer, because.

a) I was a bit hard up for spare cash


b) I thought this would be a golden opportunity to have a weekend of just playing xbox games and watch as many DVDs to my hearts content.

Last weekend, we had to babysit Hollys nephews and I think I am still recovering from the ordeal.

When they arrived, they “needed” feeding (seriously, they could out eat a goat! In fact, they would probably eat the goat!), they then decided to play twister and insisted that I spun the spinny thing for them – I just wanted to watch TV. After that, they decided to ramsack our living room and then built a “tent” with our dining table and bed sheets.

Next morning, about 7.00 am, one of them walks into our bedroom and demands that we make him breakfast. What kind of individual does that at that hour?! He then found my bongo drums and started to play them…. Lovely.

After getting up at ridiculous o’clock, I then go into the living room and put the TV on. Whilst flicking, Match of the Day highlights are on BBC1. I carry on flicking and Hollys nephew lets out a whinge of “I wanna watch that!!”. I carry on flicking in hope that he’s not actually there and I am just hearing things.

“Go back, I wanna watch that” he whines..
“But I don’t” I say
“If there’s nothing else on, I’ll let you watch it”

Luckily, for him, there was nothing on TV (I was only flicking as I was just curious as to what was on during that ungodly hour of the day anyway) and I cave in and put Match of the day on, just so I can have 5 minutes of peace.

He then goes out the room into the kitchen (for yet more food) and I flick. He comes back and says “I was watching that”. I ask him “how do you watch something in here when you’re in the kitchen?”. My dad used to do this exact same thing…

When I think back to that invitation to join Holly and her nephews to Euro Disney, I can’t help but feel relieved. I can only just about handle one evening/morning with them, god only knows how I would cope with a full on weekend, abroad I might add!

No, no Disney trips for me. I’m far too old and mature for all of that anyway. Think I’d rather stay at home, play xbox games and watch my Star Wars DVDs.