I must have been tired this morning. I got up, made a cuppa, had a shower, dried myself and put my clothes on.

Most of the clothes are on the floor and I think to myself “I must tidy that up before Holly notices”.

I then go into the living room, have my cuppa and put my shoes on. I pick up my things, say goodbye to Holly and go to my car at approximately 8.45.

Upon getting to my car, I realise the tyre is flat. Not only that, it is raining so hard, that I guess someone must of kicked God in the bladder. So, out comes the tyre pump, while I wait there in the rain for the air pressure to reach 28psi.

I get to work and sit at my desk until around 11.00, at which point I go to the mens room to break wind (I’m not one to make my work colleagues suffer) and have a number one.

At approximately 1.00pm, I leave my desk for my lunch break. I leave the building and cross the road. As I am walking along, I feel something brushing down my leg, inside my trousers. My curiosity stops me and I go remove the offending article.

It turns out to be a pair of boxers, that must of been tucked in the leg somewhere.

Three things go through my mind, the first is “I must have been tired this morning”, the second is "how the hell have I got this far in the day to only notice this now!" and the thrid is “That reminds me, I must tidy that pile of clothes up this evening”