Well, Christmas and New Year are now over and 2008 is two days old. I’m back at work, slightly bored, listening to my ipod under flashing broken lights.

New Year was a strange one for me. Holly and myself decided to have a quiet one indoors and invite a few friends and family round at the last minute – needless to say, most people had other arrangements and in the end it was just Holly’s family round (it was that late, even my family had a better offer!). I guess I am getting old, but I really can’t be bothered with the New Years Eve celebrations anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, but I enjoy a good ole knees up – but I refuse to pay through my big fat hairy nose for it! Why do pubs and clubs around the area insist on charging people to go there for the evening, when any other night, its free!? It annoys me - 9 times out of 10 all it gets you is “Entry”, no free drink, no party popper, just two things - jack and sh:t.

Since the age of 15, I have seen in the New Year with a certain drunken haze over my eyes. This year I was stone-cold-sober. Not that cutting down on drink is a New Years resolution or anything. If I do have one of those, it’s probably not to have any targets at all because eventually I will cave in and fail in my annual ambition.

I don’t drink enough these days to say “In 2008, I’m gonna cut down on drink”, so that one is out of the window. I don’t smoke, so I can’t quit smoking. I’m a bit chunky round the edges, but I don’t consider myself out of shape and I am not in serious need of a diet or anything. So unless my New Years resolution is to turn into Oliver Reed, my list of over indulgent vices is pretty slim. I’m even happy with my professional life to a certain extent (lets face it, the perfect job doesn’t exist - except maybe working for the BBFC - you get to watch films all day!).

Right now, I am happy with myself and my life. So if anything, I guess my New Years resolution is to not change anything.