Well, our first Christmas together under the same roof is over and done with.

I'm a bit broke, a bit chubbier and I am very, very shattered. Having said that, the Christmas presents went down particuarlly well. Holly got me a PSP and it is possibly the best gadget ever invented! I also got a few other things, such as Doctor Who Series Four on DVD.

Amongst other things, I got Holly the following:

- Friends series 6 - 10
- Friends Scene It DVD game
- Cinema (some sort of perfume/smelly stuff, not an actual cinema)
- Buzz The Hollywood Movie Quiz

Each present she opened, she greeted with an almighty scream of "oh my god! That is the best!! Arghhhh!!!" and would then hug me. However, the present at which she screamed at the most, was an afterthought of a present - one of those presents you see and think "oh, thats pretty cheap and she'll like that". The sort of thing you see in a bargain bucket.

A couple of months ago I blogged about this weird little film Holly showed me on youtube. It was a Walt Disney flick called "The Gnome Mobile", well, around that time I was on play.com, looking for some bargains and I saw that they had it instock priced at 3 pounds and 99 pence. So I purchased it, wrapped it up when it was delivered and almost forgot about it. And then Christmas Day, Holly opens it, does her little scream routine, hugs me and then, runs over to the phone and calls her sister!?!

Turns out that they all used to watch this film round their Nan and Grandads and it is like a major, treasured, childhood memory for them all - and what with the new TV we've just got, I have a dark feeling of inevitability building up inside of me - that they will all be coming round to watch this monstrosity and subject me to it.

And what with the Friends DVDs I got her, I think it's gonna be a while till I can watch my Doctor Who DVDs.

When will I ever learn...