I am obviously a bit slow here, but it has only just dawned on me just how bad accessing the internet can actually be. Update your virus guards, download programmes to stop the popups and reduce spam, restrict the sites your kids get on to and you’re fine – or so I thought. Despite all these so called controls, open up your internet connection and you are just bombarded with unwelcome sex sites, adverts for Viagra and all sorts of junk mail. Not only you, but your children too! I seem to spend my life trying to take control over what comes into my home!

I have now just found out that quite safe sites for children contain forums where kids write all sorts of threatening and abusive stuff, which frighten the life out of other children and yet there is no way to report these comments as inappropriate.

The Government is spending a fortune on promoting healthy living for children and yet seem to have no real control over the internet, which in my opinion is doing far more damage than any hamburger can!

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