Apologies to those of you who have pointed out what a hopeless slacker I've been this week. I agree - for some reason I just haven't been feeling the inspiration. Also, it's pretty hard to form intruiging prose out of an existence that 70% revolves around thinking about one's ex-boyfriend.

Not that I haven't been writing, mind you. The (cough) self help book (cough) I bought has, when it's not insisting on referring to me as a Superfox, got me writing a daily journal of my feelings vis-a-vis being dumped. I haven't blogged any of it, because (to really big up my journaling skills), it's whiny, repetetive self-pitying nonsense that I'll look back on and cringe years from now, when I'm with someone who renders me incredulous at what I would have been happy to settle with.

So, how has singlehood been so far? Well, it's been a month, and actually I don't think I've made bad progress. I've started doing pretty things to my house, I've moved things around in my room and thrown away three rubbish bags of excess crap. I've started driving lessons and even navigated the Tolworth roundabout without soiling myself. I've been to the gym....er...twice. I've seen my friends a lot, and I have lots more social occasions planned. The other day I actually noticed an attractive man while I was out with my friend Will (because that's something I can do now - go out for the evening with my male friends without having a gigantic guilt trip laid on me by someone who's supposed to trust me). And tonight I'm off out for a girls only drinking session, during which I will hopefully clock a lot more desirable specimens. Who will hopefully buy me alcohol.

I won't say there haven't been dark moments, and moments of utter pathetic depression - of course there have been. And they've been related in all their misery in my journal. But they're getting fewer and further between, they haven't blinded me to the fact that this really is for the best, but best of all, during said dark moments, there's been one constant little glimmer of hope I cling on to that somehow makes everything feel brighter. Namely that, despite the heartache and the miles and miles between Neil and I now he's probably gone to work in Sharjah, at least I'm currently residing in a country where I can legally drown my sorrows by getting shit faced and being seen in public with a male to whom I am not related without getting on the wrong side of Islamic law. Hah!