Some Southern trains will be cancelled, diverted or replaced by buses this week due to planned engineering work.

The work will affect trains from September 2 through to September 6.

We have compiled all the details on these works so that you can plan your journey this week.

Monday to Friday (September 2 to 6)

From 11pm to 5.30am, trains from London Victoria to Brighton will run to an amended timetable.

Journey times will be extended up to 15 minutes between Purley Station in Croydon and Balcombe.


Monday to Friday (September 2 to 6)

From 11.30pm until the end of service, train services between London Victoria and Worthing / Chichester will divert to terminate at Brighton.

Train services between Brighton and West Worthing will not run.

The 10.52pm train from Portsmouth to Brighton will terminate at Littlehampton.

A replacement bus service will run between Littlehampton and Brighton, departing at 11.53pm.

Replacement bus services will operate between Brighton and Worthing / West Worthing / Chichester.


Monday to Thursday (September 2 to 5)

Engineering work will take place between Hastings and Ashford International, closing all lines from 10.30pm each night.

Buses will replace trains from Hastings and Ashford International, and will stop at all stations, except Doleham.


Tuesday to Thursday (September 3 to 5)

From 10.30pm, each night until the end of service, trains from London Victoria or Brighton to Ore will stop at Hastings and won’t continue to Ore.

Trains from Ore will start at Hastings.

Buses will replace trains between Hastings and Ore.

Terminate: If you are on a train heading towards Ore (from London Victoria or Brighton), it will stop at Hastings and won't go any further. It won't continue to Ore.

Start: If passengers are taking a train from Ore towards London Victoria or Brighton, that train will instead start its journey from Hastings. There won't be any trains running from Ore to Hastings.