A garage in Beauchamp Road has been completely destroyed by fire.

Firefighters were called to the blaze about 11.10pm on Thursday.

Resident Paul Beaumont said he was sitting in his house nearby when he heard "crackling noises and sounds not unlike gunshots".

"I looked in the direction of the sounds and saw that a garage was well alight with lots of dark, acrid smoke permeating the air," Mr Beaumont said.

The fire was extinguished by 11.26pm before it could spread any further.

"At the height of the blaze glowing embers were streaming into the sky, sometimes blowing past nearby properties that were also being shrouded by plumes of black, foul smelling smoke," Mr Beaumont said.

A London Fire Brigade spokeswoman said two fire engines and 10 were sent to the blaze. She said the crews, both from Norbury fire station, had it extinguished before 11.30pm.