A grieving South London family who are no longer getting kicked out of their own home after their mum suddenly died has said there has been "no clarity" from the council on what’s going to happen next.

Jordan Savell, 24, and his sister Emily, 19, were at risk of getting kicked out of their own home because Croydon Council had asked for the property back after mum Lisa, 55, suddenly died from a brain aneurysm in June.

The two siblings were told by the council that they couldn’t take on the tenancy because they weren’t a spouse or a civil partner of Lisa’s – which is set out by housing law – and that they could only stay if they had a medical condition or a disability.

Elder sister Keeley had written to the council explaining her mum’s death had ‘come as a great shock’ to the whole family and that her younger siblings had ‘been affected considerably by this and were unprepared’.

The children’s dad, Ricky, blasted the council’s actions as ‘disgusting’.

After the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) covered the issue, the eviction was stopped last minute.

The council did not respond until August 14 – the day Jordan and Emily were supposed to be getting kicked out – to say ‘the family will not be evicted today and we are actively seeking ways to assist them‘.

In an official statement, the council said: “We would like to extend our sympathies to this family for their loss. We want to confirm that the family will not be evicted today and we are actively seeking ways to assist them.

“We’ve been informed that a family member is seeking to take over the tenancy and we are seeking further information in order to review their request. We understand that this is a really difficult time for the family and are available to support them with their housing needs.”

Keeley has since told the LDRS that her family are ready to move on from the ordeal but says there has been a lack of clarity from the council over whether her younger siblings can continue living in the house for the foreseeable future.

She said: “We all just need to know so we can move on with our lives a little bit and not have all this stress over our heads because we just don’t need it – we just want to know what’s going on, we just need an answer.

“There’s been no clarity on what options there are or what’s going to happen, it’s a bit up in the air.”

Keeley went on to say: “I just said if it’s possible to just keep them where they are at the moment, it would be really helpful more than anything.

“I understand there is a shortage of places but starting somewhere new and placing them anywhere away from work and home comforts [is less ideal].”

When the LDRS got in touch with Croydon Council again, a spokesperson said: “The council continue to work through the issues for the family.

“When a decision is made, the council will take into account all current legislation and policy.”