Croydon Council made a huge £439,012 last year from fining drivers for stopping in yellow box junctions.

The authority made £14,000 more in fines than the previous year.

More than 5,000 fines were issued at the yellow box junction in Addiscombe Road, a Freedom of Information request reveals.

There was a jump in the number of fines handed out at the junction from 2,975 in 2021 to 5,226 in 2022.

Croydon Council said the leap is due to a temporary pause in enforcement in 2021 while it replaced a broken sign at the junction.

Drivers face a fine of £130, or £65 if paid within 14 days, for entering a yellow box junction in Croydon.

The other top four most lucrative junctions are in Brighton Road, Lower Addiscombe Road, Coombe Road and Reeves Corner.

In 2022 the council issued a total of 6,491 fines, this was up from 4,317 the previous year.

In 2021, the council made £296,398 from the junctions, this rose to £439,012 in 2022.

In 2021, Croydon Council cancelled 83 penalties after drivers disputed them and it cancelled another 64 in 2022.

The council was not able to say how many drivers appealed their fines overall.

A spokesperson for Croydon Council said: “Blocking box junctions causes congestion which can be dangerous and can impact air quality.

"Where enforcement cameras are used, they are always clearly signposted and intended as a deterrent to help keep traffic flowing and improve safety for all road users.

"We encourage all drivers to follow the rules to avoid penalty charge notices.”