Staff at a Croydon primary school could soon walk out after Easter.

The GMB Union is currently balloting support staff working at Kenley Primary School on whether they want to strike.

It comes amid a dispute on pay and changes to the terms and conditions for staff which came into effect in September 2021 when the school joined The Collegiate Trust.

The union claims that moving employees’ pay anniversaries from April to September has left them five months behind their council counterparts.

It said this affects any back pay they could be eligible for as well as pensions down the line.

GMB wants the trust to give staff back pay for the five months from April to September 2022 and issue financial compensation for any future pay rises being moved back five months.

Rachael Baylis, GMB organising assistant said: “When staff at Kenley Primary transferred to the Collegiate Trust, they were made assurances that their terms and conditions would not be affected – something which should be protected by law.

“Instead, the change of their pay anniversary has been moved from April to September, meaning that these employees are five months behind their local authority counterparts.

“This not only affects any back pay they may have been due on a pay award, but will then also have a knock-on effect on pensions, tax, and of course future pay rises. 

"GMB have given the Collegiate Trust plenty of opportunity to remedy this situation and yet they have failed to put forward an offer which adequately address the financial detriment that GMB members at the Collegiate Trust are facing.”

She called on the trust to meet with the union to “stop the strike in its tracks.”

The ballot is due to close on March 31 with any potential strike action taking place after the Easter holidays.

The Collegiate Trust was contacted for comment.