In response to the letter "Unfair tax", April 24.

Merton Council understands and appreciates the comments made by Mr Orr regarding the changes made to our council tax payment systems.

Merton always aims to offer the best possible service and value for money to its residents and so has undertaken a review of the council tax payment methods available, looking at how it could be more efficient.

Encouraging residents to take up direct debit is one way of achieving this.

Direct debit means that residents will save time by not having to queue at their payment point, or having to write and post a cheque, and will avoid receiving unnecessary reminder notices.

Direct debit is the most cost-effective method of payment for residents and guarantees payments are secure.

It also helps the council to keep collection costs down and, in turn, the council tax lower.

The council wrote to all residents advising them of the changes in early February this year.

Council tax legislation stipulates that we must offer taxpayers 10 monthly installments and any more installments are optional.

Merton always strives to put its residents first and so has corresponded directly with Mr Orr to arrange payments to suit his particular circumstances.

We would advise residents in a similar situation to contact the council tax team to go through their options.

They can either call 020 8274 4904 between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday or go to the council's website for more information.

CAROLINE HOLLAND London Borough of Merton