Bright sparks from Kingston are being asked to come up with an invention to make the borough a greener place.

To support the Paint the Town Green festival and celebrate National Museums and Galleries month, The Bentall Centre is asking primary schools in Kingston to enter a design competition to win art equipment.

Entrants will need to paint or draw their design and include a description of what it does to win £75 worth of art supplies for themselves and £300 worth of equipment for their school.

All of the entrants will be showcased on this website where you can vote for your favourite design.

The Bentall Centre will also exhibit the artwork on Saturday, May 24.

Heather Joy, marketing manager at the Bentall Centre, said: "This green colouring competition is a great way for schools throughout Kingston to take part in the Paint the Town Green initiative and exhibit their work to a public audience.

"It also encourages children to use their imaginations and design something that has a positive impact upon Kingston's environment."

Entries for the competition should be sent to The Bentall Centre, Management Suite, Wood Street, Kingston, Surrey, KT1 1TP The closing date for entries is May 22 and we will announce the winner on June 4.