A day centre in Cheam that provides classes and group activities for adults with learning difficulties is to close in the summer.

Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust has decided that service users would benefit from having more personalised social care.

The decision was explained to worried adults and their families during a meeting at Cheam Day Centre in Springclose Lane on Friday.

Disability rights groups have expressed concerns about disruption to daily routines. Paul Burstow, the MP for Sutton and Cheam, also contacted the trust about its plans.

He said: "I am concerned that, if the centre is to be closed, the PCT can demonstrate that the people using it will receive at least as good, if not better, service elsewhere in the future.

"I want the PCT to consult with local residents if the centre is no longer used for people with learning difficulties it still could have a health use."

Several day centres across the country have shut as ministers want people with learning disabilities to be integrated into the community.

Sutton and Merton PCT said it was simply following Government guidelines for modernisation rather than trying to reduce costs.

A spokesman added: "We are planning to move to a new model of care before the closure of the day centre, with community support services provided by people who may be employed by organisations in the private or voluntary sector.

"The emphasis will be on helping people to live independently and to enjoy a better quality of life. This could involve providing personal assistants to support someone at work or doing a vocational course." No date has been set for the closure.