PYP juniors were open over the half term week and great fun was had by all, we had lots of fun activities including the bouncy castle, badge making,air hockey, table football, table tennis, pool and lots more.

We had been making toast and we have free fruit every week.

We also do cooking and go on trips like Legoland on the 15th March.

We also do fun things like street dancing and boxercise which is very good exercise.

So if you are aged between 7 and 13 years come on down for 100% fun.

See our great website for further information which can be found at or phone 07985 109974 for further information.

and now for some quotes Fancesca likes playing on the computer.Poppy likes eating sweets.

Chloe likes art and craft. Georgie likes games.

Mike likes eating the fruit. Paige likes helping out with the camera.

BY Kerie-kay and Paige.