I write in connection with the proposed controlled parking zone within Havelock Road and the surrounding streets.

The proposal for a CPZ has resulted from "some complaints and a petition by some residents". The reasons provided are of interest and are confusing for Havelock Road, especially as I work from home.

I note that during the day there is considerable free space within the road (up to 40 per cent on a given day) and while any issue of overcrowding may occur on a Sunday evening (on the occasions when the church in Kohat Road meets and the track race at Wimbledon stadium occurs at the same time) there is always a space.

The reasons quoted for the proposed controlled parking zone are as follows: 1. Commuters who park their vehicle and complete journey by public transport.

2. Residents who reside within neighbouring CPZs to avoid a permit.

3. Those who work on the building site in Plough Lane or visiting neighbouring CPZs.

4. The envisaged increase in demand for parking upon the completion on Plough Lane.

These first three points are of interest as Havelock Road is generally only 50-60 per cent full of cars after 8.30am each day.

Point three is a temporary issue and in response placing a CPZ in this area just moves the issues raised in points two and three to another area - if indeed these were reasons that existed at all.

In relation to point four - if this is a concern, why in the planning process for this development were there not sufficient parking spaces or public transport considerations included for the influx of new residents? Parking didn't appear to be an issue at the time of planning. I am fully supportive of this residential development.

In the eight years I have lived in Havelock Road I have always been able to find a parking space and therefore question the subjective nature of the four points presented above.

As a council who is perceived as raising funds through overzealous parking zones and timings (payment required within Wimbledon until 11pm), while providing permit holders only spaces in streets where there are spaces for three cars in the driveways (Marryat Road), I sincerely hope Havelock Road will avoid an unconsidered approach and such punitive restrictions to parking - especially if the reasons presented for Havelock Road are the unsubstantiated ones provided by "some" residents in the proposal for a CPZ dated January 4, 2008.