There are still chocolate eggs and rabbits – but this year is going to be a first.

We are all contemplating a most unusual Easter. Thoughts are of a long weekend, hopefully sunny, but now staying in our own homes and not being able to see many of our friends or family. For all of us this is new.

But I am hopeful that this historic tradition in our calender – EASTER – might turn out to be even more special and significant. Why?

Because, in the midst of the most difficult peace-time period any of us can recall, the things that make Easter what it is are more needed than ever.

The essence of the story of Easter is not eggs, nor a 4 day short break. And it is not just a religious tradition marked by palm leaves and crosses. The original and central points of Easter are two-fold: love and power. Firstly love: because no matter who you are - whatever your religion or your lifestyle - God loves you. Deeply, personally and without judgement. Jesus dying on that cross was not because He was angry with you or because he did not approve of you. Rather, he thinks you are magnificent!

Secondly: power. Because Jesus rising from the dead was an incredible display of power, and that same power is available to every person today. Here we are, with our lives in some degree of turmoil – and in some cases real heartbreak and pain – as we walk through together this unprecedented pandemic. May we now find a loving God whose power does change things – who authors healing, strength, comfort and hope. He is there for you. He always has been. Sometimes it seems to take something as drastic as this for us to be reminded of that.

Paul van Essen

Minister - Greater Life Church