Police in Dover said Tuesday (April 7) they had moved a group of people on from the seafront who had travelled from Croydon ins. breach of coronavirus lockdown measures.

Port of Dover Police posted to Twitter Tuesday to reveal that the group from Croydon had travelled to Dover, seemingly for a fishing trip on one of the town's nearby beaches.

A spokesperson for the port police force said:

"Our PCs dispersed a group of people this morning that had travelled all the way down from Croydon to fish off Shakespeare Beach.

"Please adhere to government instructions, if you don’t, you’ll be dealt with under the new legislation."

The government have imposed strict limitations on movement in attempts to fight the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus.

All non-essential travel is banned until the lockdown ends, with residents limited to one hour of outdoor exercise per day but otherwise instructed to stay at home if they are not essential workers.