A woman from Tooting has raised over a whopping £600 in donations to provide Easter eggs for children staying at St Georges hospital.

Kirsty Mclaren, 28, decided to create a donation page on Facebook in a bid to ensure children do not go without this Easter.

The kind-hearted woman raised a tremendous £630 for Easter eggs, books, crafts and games for children and staff who will be spending their Easter in hospital.

Kirsty ensured every possible issue was covered and has provided dairy, soya and gluten-free eggs to those who have allergies.

And planned arts and crafts activities for children who are nil by mouth.

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Speaking to Wandsworth Guardian, Kirsty Mclaren said: “I was overwhelmed with support from friends and family, the response was amazing.

“Every child deserves to smile.

“Everyone Deserves to smile and feel loved.”

St Georges has thanked Kirsty for her generous donation and disinfected egg packaging at the point of collection.

The hospital plan to sort out the donation this week and distribute accordingly to all patients and staff.