A group of people, including councillors and both the borough’s MPs, has written an open letter to Richmond residents to explain the rationale behind a 20mph borough-wide limit.

The letter, co-signed by all three of the Council’s political groups, Sir Vince Cable, Zac Goldsmith, as well as Richmond 20s Plenty For Us, Brake, and the Council’s Cycling and Walking Champion, outlines the evidence of benefits to public safety, air quality, and public health which arise from introducing 20mph limits. It includes an outline of results seen in places like Islington, Southwark, and Brighton and Hove which have introduced such a limit.

Evidence about the benefits to road safety and, consequently, active travel is laid out in the letter with references to trials which have taken place in both Edinburgh and Westminster.

In the letter, the co-signers stand-by their belief that a borough-wide 20mph limit will make a difference and that the facts back that up. That includes findings from independent studies which have shown the positive impact a 20mph limit has had on air quality and public health in places it has been implemented.

The letter says "a 20mph limit which reduces average speeds from 31mph to 19mph reduces harmful gasses by 32 per cent. That is not to mention the fact that slower speeds result in steadier flow of traffic and less acceleration and braking, which should reduce the amount of brake and tyre particulates (PM 2.5) in our air."

The Council are consulting on the plans through to 21 December 2018. Those wishing to respond to the consultation can do so by visiting www.richmond.gov.uk/20mph, picking up a paper copy from one of the borough’s libraries or by attending one of the Council’s Community Conversation events.

Read the full cross party Open Letter here.