It’s official: train journeys between Croydon and Brighton have been the most unreliable in the UK over the past three months.

Travel search engine GoEuro studied journey times, delays and cancellations across the UK and found that 58 per cent of trains between Croydon and Brighton were delayed by more than five minutes.

By comparison, 96 per cent of services between Stansted and Cambridge were found to arrive within five minutes of their scheduled arrival times.

Your Local Guardian:

In London the average train was delayed by three minutes 40 seconds, while in the south east a typical journey is held up by five minutes 45 seconds.

Only in Scotland were trains less punctual.

Trains between Eastbourne and London Victoria have been pushed back by an average time of eight minutes 59 seconds over the past three months, according to the survey – the longest average delay in the capital.

Your Local Guardian:

In the south east, journeys from London to Brighton were delayed even longer with passengers waiting an extra nine minutes 46 seconds, while nine per cent of trains travelling to and within the south east of England arrive more than 20 minutes later than the scheduled arrival time.

A GoEuro spokesman said: “Unfortunately, we've found that the South East is one of the most delayed parts of the UK.”

The travel search engine compiled their data using Recent Train Times, which contains the actual times of all passenger trains that have run in England, Wales and Scotland over the past three months.

For GoEuro's full findings, visit their website.

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