Councillor Zenia Jamison's letter condemning the Tory council's policy of raising costs to the elderly is one of the most hypocritical comments I have ever read.

In spite of pressure from the Merton Association of Pensioners, the previous New Labour controlled authority raised the cost of home care, Meals on Wheels and day centre charges annually above the rate of inflation.

In one year under new Labour's administration a person receiving one hour each day of home care and seven days of Meals on Wheels had an increase which amounted to £140 for the year. Their pension increase that year was approximately £80.

There is little wonder that voters have become apathetic when both parties are only separated by a tissue in terms of policies towards the elderly. What we would like to see is honesty from politicians, yet all we get is spin.

To start being concerned about the most vulnerable in our society when they had 10 years to do something and yet did nothing, brings shame on all who call themselves New Labour. I never had any belief that a Tory administration would be any different, just another lot of peas from the same pod.

GEOFFREY SMITH Meadow Close London