To set the record straight, a meeting did take place in 2003 regarding the greenbelt land between the Running Horse and Kenyngton Manor park.

Representing Scora, I arranged and attended a meeting with a representative of Ready Mixed Concrete (the then owners of the land) and George Trussler the councillor for Ashford Common.

The purpose of the meeting was to explore the possibilities of acquiring a strip of land alongside Feltham Brook and fronting Vicarage Road.

Not to build houses on, but to open up the entrance to Kenynington Manor park, by constructing a pedestrian walkway along the brook and providing a much needed safe play area for small children.

This is greenbelt land.

There has never been any suggestion by Spelthorne Borough Council that this land be sold for housing at any time and there certainly are no plans to do so in the future.

Any suggested development of greenbelt will be vigourously opposed by me.

Jacqueline Stanton Conservative Candidate Sunbury Common