John Hall's letter only tells part of a story that is becoming a major disturbing influence on those of us who use and rely upon public transport within our daily lives.

I wrote a letter back in September 2006 to Ken Livingstone which directly addressed this issue and associated behavioural matters of young people who had no Oyster card. I even highlighted a scheme in Toronto, Canada, which allowed for school children to use the public transport network using a similar card scheme to ours - but with limited time usage and strict conditions regarding behaviour and abuse of use outside permitted times.

I received a mind boggling three page reply from a Transport for London customer service manager who went to great lengths to assure me that this scheme was undoubtedly a success. This really came as no surprise on reflection - as I doubt whether the mayor's office or TfL would ever admit to having problems with this scheme. Only that it is £8 million of public purse money well spent - I don't think!

Not once did he try and reassure me that the issues I raised were going to be dealt with or looked at in any reasonable way. My complaint hadn't hit home at all. In fact I wondered what planet this individual was on when replying to my letter. I am convinced that he doesn't travel often or regularly on public transport.

I use the public transport system every day for work and see the folly of this system for what it is becoming - horrendous for every fare paying member of the public! Bus drivers are intimidated and abused on a daily basis - and some drive past bus stops at certain times of the day rather than pick up these young people. Bus services are regularly disrupted by behaviour issues of young people being denied access by drivers. Some bus stops within the borough now have community support officers and police in attendance when school finishes - not a great advert for the scheme is it?

To be frank - we have lost the sense of community spirit and belonging and are in danger of becoming disconnected completely from our youth. They have no real role models, there is a breakdown of discipline and there is a culture developing which finds violence and intimidation attractive.

If anyone has any doubts to the contents of this letter - try getting on a bus around school start/finish time, try talking to drivers who have been spat at and verbally abused for doing their job - not nice, not funny and Joe Public is funding it - another wasted opportunity from Ken's den!

COLIN PEACOCK Westmoreland Drive Sutton